Jobs + Education
Behavioral Interview Coach
PracticeI offer formal, structured interview practice with expert feedback.
Resume Reviewer
Review my resumeDirect, detailed resume analysis with industry specific knowledge. Attach or paste your resume.
Career Coach
Get coachedProfessional Career Coach trained on career coaching resources and jobs data.
Cover Letter Composer
ComposeHelp write your cover letters! Trained on successful cover letters to prestigious companies.

How it Works
Available to GPT Pro Users. Building free text-based versions for the most popular AIs.
Each AI has its own proprietary data set, purpose, and features.
We collect specific data for each AI. Gandhi AI is trained on all of Gandhi's speeches and letters. Organizer AI is trained on output of high performing project managers.
Each AI is trained for a specific purpose. Sales Email Writing AI is trained based on converted sales.
While build additional features for our popular AIs. Soon, you AI friend will proactively contact you.